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My Top Podcasts Revisited

Episode 93

This is a solo show about my updated list of favourite podcasts.


Tim Lewis: [00:00:28] Way back in Episode number 28: My Top Ten Podcasts, I did my top ten podcasts and in Episode number 8: Other Self-Publishing Podcasts  I also did other self-publishing podcasts. I thought it was time I revisited this area of my favourite podcasts.

Tim Lewis: [00:00:48] Okay it’s got nothing really to do self-publishing. But I actually think that in terms of a medium to find out free information about things podcasting is unrivalled.

Tim Lewis: [00:01:00] While I don’t listen to as many podcasts as I used to I still do listen to a lot of them. It’s a lot cheaper than audio books and written books.

Changes from Last Show:

Tim Lewis: [00:01:09] Looking back at the shows I said were in my top 10 podcasts, two of them aren’t running anymore which are the Mystery show and Web Search Social.


Tim Lewis: [00:01:21] Mystery show was actually cancelled because it was too expensive. It is a shame because I really enjoyed it and Web Search Social they I think the people who are running it have gone on to do different things.


Tim Lewis: [00:01:33] I’ve actually seen the people who run it a few times at various conferences and I’ve been meaning to go up and say what happened to the Web Search Social podcast but I haven’t had the courage yet so if I do discover I’ll tell you.


New Self-Publishing Shows:

Tim Lewis: [00:01:47] I’ve added a few newer shows to the show notes of my episode 8 podcast namely Paul Teague’s Self-Publishing Journeys and Amar Vyas and his MyKitaab podcast.


Tim Lewis: [00:02:00] There’s also a new self publishing podcast from Mark Dawson called the Self Publishing Formula which is fairly good to listen to as well.


Tim Lewis: [00:02:11] I have noticed though that there are no shortages of self publishing podcasts to listen to. So thank you very much for listening to this one.


Tim Lewis: [00:02:22] I’m going to go through a few extra shows I’ve discovered since those ones and also some of the runners up for that original top 10 podcast.


Tim Lewis: [00:02:33] I’ve got more into writing and general writer podcasts since then. So there will be a few more actual specifically writing podcasts in this list. You may want to check out.

Grammar Girl

Tim Lewis: [00:02:44] The first one is that rather well known podcast of Grammar Girl. This is a fairly short podcast where the host goes through some fairly unpatronising for a change advice about grammar and word usage.


Tim Lewis: [00:02:58] I kind of resisted listening to it thinking it was going to be quite sort of this is how you should do this and actually it’s not at all like that.


Tim Lewis: [00:03:07] It’s very very positive in the things it goes through. I’ve learned a lot by listening to grammar girls podcast.

Story Grid Podcast

Tim Lewis: [00:03:14] The next show is another writing related one which is the Story Grid Podcast. Shaun Coyne who is an experienced editor and is the author of the Story Grid is basically going through the process of editing a fiction book with Tim Grahl.


Tim Lewis: [00:03:29] Basically Tim Grahl drafts the book and then Shaun Coyne is going through it editing it. It can be a bit long winded at times but it’s actually a very very interesting show.


Tim Lewis: [00:03:41] So if get the chance to listen to the Story Grid Podcast that’s well worth listening to.

Writing Excuses

Tim Lewis: [00:03:46] Another fairly short writer podcast is Writing Excuses . Every week this has very short writing tips. It’s not so much about grammar. It’s more about things like structure and genre and setting and that kind of stuff.


Tim Lewis: [00:04:01] Again it’s definitely worth listening to especially as at every show is only quarter of an hour long.

The Fizzle Show

Tim Lewis: [00:04:07] Out the world of writing podcasts, there are a few business podcasts that I’ve discovered recently. One of them is The Fizzle Show. Now The Fizzle Show is actually very good because it’s arranged around a community called Fizzle.


Tim Lewis: [00:04:22] And I found the advice in it to be really good. It’s a very jocular in nature show and I know some people just can’t stand the format of it. I really love the fact that it is very conversational and the people in it are quite silly.


Tim Lewis: [00:04:38] It’s one of those things to try out: if you love it you love it and if you hate it you hate it.


Tim Lewis: [00:04:41] But I think it’s definitely worth at least listening to a few times The Fizzle Show.

The Business of Story

Tim Lewis: [00:04:46] Another more formal business podcast is the Business of Story. Park Howell, who is an expert in business storytelling, interviews various entrepreneurs about how they use storytelling in their businesses.


Tim Lewis: [00:05:00] I find this quite interesting in as much as that as writers we should be using story in our marketing efforts. But clearly most of us aren’t.


Tim Lewis: [00:05:09] So I think it’s a good show to kind of try and bridge that gap between writing and business.

Under the Influence

Tim Lewis: [00:05:16] Another business related show that I’ve discovered is one called Under the Influence with Terry O’Reilly. There’s quite a few under the influence shows in the podcast directory, so this is the CBC Canadian Broadcasting Corporation one.


Tim Lewis: [00:05:31] Terry O’Reilly is an advertiser who has been running this podcast awhile while and every episode is really really interesting about various aspects of advertising or just marketing in general.


Tim Lewis: [00:05:45] I wouldn’t necessarily say it’s a tips-based show, more kind of like makes you think. So again it is definitely worth trying out and listening to a few episodes of that.

The Art of Charm

Tim Lewis: [00:05:56] Another show which started out as a self-help show, but it has actually turned into more of a business show is the Art of Charm .


Tim Lewis: [00:06:03] Now you may be thinking that the Art of Charm  is actually a dating podcast. About Dating Advice and it did start off that way. But to say now it’s much more about just business and business communication.


Tim Lewis: [00:06:18] Every now and then it has a show about something to do with dating or relationships. So don’t be put off if you’re not in a dating position.


Tim Lewis: [00:06:27] And finally something that’s totally unrelated to business or writing is Undisclosed. Some of you may have heard of the show Serial, in fact I think I might have mentioned it in a previous show.


Tim Lewis: [00:06:43] Where they were going through one particular court case, well Undisclosed has been going through quite a few cases of miscarriages of justice and it’s I find it really interesting show.


Tim Lewis: [00:06:54] If you’re interested in crime and crime podcasts then Undisclosed if you haven’t listened to it is really worth listening to. It’s all of course based on miscarriages of justice. But it certainly makes you think about things if nothing else.


Tim Lewis: [00:07:08] So that’s my update on the podcasts I’ve listened to.


Tim Lewis: [00:07:11] This month is officially apparently #trypod month where people are being encouraged to hash tag their favourite episodes onto Twitter and other social media. So do feel free to tweet this show with hashtag trypod.


Tim Lewis: [00:07:28] Hopefully I’ll bring some people to my website and also introduce some people to these other podcasts I mention. So next week I’m going to be back in the real world. We welcome you back to the interview format and the regular shows. So talk to you guys next week.

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